
line charge中文是什么意思

  • 线电荷



  • 例句与用法
  • Each strip can be considered a line charge .
  • Line charging capacity
  • Pre - pulse phenomena in pulse forming line charging - up by long pulse energy sources through a transformer
  • New charges proposed by the regional bell holding companies to supplement subscriber line charges
  • Credit card companies will have to undergo various verification and payment procedures for the off line charging
  • The electric potential of a line charge inside a thin cylindrical conductor is calculated by conformal mapping and mirror image method
  • The study bases on the four operating conditions of which the longnan network will be implemented in the year of 2005 and 2010 . first , this paper calculates the power flow distribution that including the line charging reactive power and input of the low - voltage shunt reactor in chengxian s / s . assumed that the bus voltage of tianshui s / s and bikou power plant to be constant , the study count the voltage level of the 330kv and 220kv bus - bar when the 330 / 220kv transformer in standard tap changer position . in order to set control rules
  • The paper researches the relations between blasting effect and blasting parameters , including diameter of drill , non - coincidence coefficient , hole spacing , hole row - spacing , cartridge diameter , charge per hole , density of line charge , charging structure and detonating manner , and how to adjust the blasting parameters to get the best blasting effect under the given geological condition
  • The system is using the existing the network resources to obtain the prominent economic benefit through organizing the telephone communication without putting on the lines and purchasing the telecommunication network equipments , which is saved much costs such as equipment charges , lines charges , and project charges
  • Finally , a compact uwb pulse source composed of pzt95 / 5 ferroelectric ceramic , a 50 coaxial transmission line charged by a pulse transformer , a peaking - chopping switch , a coaxial matched load and a pulse diagnostic system was built and tested , which can produce pulse voltage on a matched 50 load with peaking voltage of 100kv , rising time of 870ps , falling time of 670ps , and fwhm of 1 . 410ns
    在上述工作的基础上,我们研制了一台以pzt95 5铁电陶瓷冲击去极化为能源的新型紧凑型脉冲发生器。该发生器由pzt9515爆电能源、空心脉冲变压器、单同轴脉冲形成线、 pc开关、同轴匹配负载和脉冲诊断系统组成,能产生100kv 、上升前沿870ps 、后沿670ps 、脉宽1 4us的超宽带脉冲。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 推荐英语阅读
line charge的中文翻译,line charge是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译line charge,line charge的中文意思,line charge的中文line charge in Chineseline charge的中文line charge怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
